Exploring Afrikan Philosophy: UBUNTU – I AM because WE ARE! - Lecture

Описание к видео Exploring Afrikan Philosophy: UBUNTU – I AM because WE ARE! - Lecture

Academy of Black Studies, African Culture and Heritage

Guest Speaker: Ankwetta B. Achaleke

Author, Publisher, Facilitator

In this talk about connection, community and caring, Sister Ankwetta shares her thoughts and experiences on community empowerment as well as gives us a fantastic opportunity to become inspired and learn from the beautiful African philosophy UBUNTU.

Ankwetta B. Achaleke is born in Cameroon and mother of two kids, author, lecturer and a proud African woman.
She moved to Austria when she was 24 where she lived for 20 years.
She is a multiple award-winning social transfopreneur and founder of many organisations including the Black Women's Community, and the International Center for Black Women's perspectives and convenor of the First Black European Women Congress and Black European Women’s Council.
As a passionate transformational public and TedTalk speaker, Ankwetta has spoken and lectured at many international and high-ranking forums and universities in Africa, America and Europe including the European Parliament and Commission, the UN offices in Geneva, Vienna and New York, the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Harvard University in Boston etc.

In 2015, she radically moved back to the Mother continent to redefine herself. While back in Africa, it dawned on her that she knew so little about the continent that gave her life. So she made a commitment to questioning her own perceptions of Africa. The result is the GloBUNTU book series she calls "Africa for Smart Kids". Today she is the author of 23 books and publisher of 42 books. Her current passion lies in coaching black kids and adults to write and own their own stories: https://globuntubooks.com/

GloBUNTU Books is an African owned publishing company that aspires to make a visible contribution in the publishing landscape with a focus on books on African identity and legacy, written for global audiences by Africans in Africa and the diaspora.

Academy for Black Studies, Africa Culture and Heritage
Registration for ongoing free lectures: [email protected]
Black Community Coalition for Justice & Self-Defence

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The BLACK COMMUNITY COALITION for JUSTICE & SELF-DEFENCE (BCCJSD) is a coalition of organisations that united as a defence against Afrophobia - Anti-Black Racism, State violence and systemic injustice. We promote political awareness, social empowerment, Community education and engagement to increase collaboration and self-determination of People of African Descent and advocate for the interests of the African and Black Communities.
The ACADEMY of BLACK STUDIES, AFRICAN CULTURE & HERITAGE is a self-organization project of the BCCJSD that promotes Afrocentric and cultural awareness, social empowerment and Community education to people of African Descent as to advance the interests of the African and Black Communities.


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