Nerf 3D printed semi auto HPA ‘Super Core’ bullpup blaster - Firing demo!

Описание к видео Nerf 3D printed semi auto HPA ‘Super Core’ bullpup blaster - Firing demo!

Update: Complete hardware kit available for my super core powered bullpup. From the smallest screw to the regs and airtanks and everything in between:

Go see for yourself!

Original tekst:

Finally making good on my promiss! A firing demo of my 3D printed NERF HPA bullpup blaster!

If you follow me on Instagram and Reddit you will know this puppy has its files shared for free on Thingi with a non commercial license.

It houses a SUPER core by Spectre Armaments (Liam). In the future it will house a SNIPER core! Te latter currently being developed by both Liam and myself. Stay tuned for that!

Forgive me for all my blabbering and apparent nerveousness shooting this video. It is the very first time I go on YouTube with my face on cam and I have to say it’s pretty nerve wrecking. Even though I am used to doing presentations professionally... This is a first.

There will be more on and about this blaster in upcomming video’s. I hope to share some gameplay footage of the upcomming Island Infestation 1 event in The Netherlands. If you are close enough to our location on the 6th of october... join the event! It promisses to be a cool one.

If you like this video please feel free to subscribe and hit the like button. Also... I do most of my updates on Instagram and a bunch on Reddit aswell. Follow me there if you are interested in those. I have lots more cool content to share with you guys in the future!


NIR0DHA (Marten)



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