Who is on Trial Today: PTI or Supreme Court of Pakistan? Modi on Defensive? Moeed Pirzada

Описание к видео Who is on Trial Today: PTI or Supreme Court of Pakistan? Modi on Defensive? Moeed Pirzada

Today, 25 June is a big day for Supreme Court of Pakistan as it concludes proceedings on the petition of PTI/SIC on the issue of reserved seats. But who is on trial here? I argue that it’s not PTI but Supreme Court of Pakistan, Why? Because it’s a Full Court proceeding and a Full Court is supposed to represent the mind of the Apex Court.
Today, Supreme Court has to decide if it will be remembered as a Court that stood up for Justice, Truth and Democracy or surrendered to the brute forces of fascism and authoritarianism? Let’s Hope Court stands for Justice!
Pakistanis should watch the proceedings and comment on these arguments and questions on Twitter/X


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