Portrait of the South Bronx 1965 | Full Film HD

Описание к видео Portrait of the South Bronx 1965 | Full Film HD

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Ordinary people and life in the South Bronx with its crowded living conditions and poverty.

00:01:30 Bird’s eye view of the 3rd Ave El train cutting through the urban density of the Bronx borough of New York.

00:03:13 3rd Ave El train rumbling down the tracks in the South Bronx borough of New York. Passenger POV from the moving train as commercial buildings, neighborhoods and tenements flash by. Traveling motion footage is inter-cut with imagery of families living in crime ridden low income housing projects. Urban decay.

00:04:30 El Train pulls into the station and screeches to a halt as commuters wait on the platform. Eye-level view of bustling street with cars, shops, boards and posters. Uptown information signs. Diverse people of varied ages and ethnicities mingle. Focus upon a black man smoking, elderly, smartly-dressed white woman, black woman carrying a baby, white cop on a street corner. Sense of tension prevails. Newspaper traders busy, selling copies of black muslim publication “Muhammad Speaks”. Headline reads “America is Falling”

00:05:50 A multi-cultural street retail scene. Bustling spectator POV of a line of shoe shine cleaners busy at work as customers wait. Cut to storefronts. References to pricing, discounts and sales. Cinema with Spanish film titles, cabaret, cafes and restaurants, records, dance club, dress and clothes shops, Puerto Rican hats, religious effigies of Jesus Christ and a toy shop with two young black boys perusing items.

00:06:46 Busy, run-down street-market selling fruit and vegetables with an elevated bridge view in the distance. Traders ply their wares with a backdrop of store fronts. Customers of varied ages, creed and color, converse with traders, as items are weighed, priced and placed into paper bags.

00:08:26 Rooftop view of poverty and urban decay with houses, apartments, and litter-strewn streets in the South Bronx borough of New York. Zoom to clothes lines strung up high above the streets between tenements. Families with children sit half clothed on external, metal, fire escape stairs that wind downwards in order to escape the heat. Listless, shirtless man looks out of a window. Pan down to a view of rubble as a boy picks through litter and another plays in drain water.

00:09:17 South Bronx, New York City, 1960s. Shots include multi-ethnic groups of children playing in the street with a fire hydrant in the foreground. Black family members gather outside on the steps of an apartment building.

00:10:13 Black and white footage captures everyday life in a neighborhood in South Bronx in the sixties, with black families socializing in front of their homes, children playing in the street next to abandoned furniture, boys street fighting, and couples in fine clothes walking down the street.

00:11:54 Long rolling shot made from a car moving along a wide street located in the South Bronx during the Civil Rights era. The urban ghetto lifestyle of the low-income neighborhoods is faithfully presented through a series of picturesque snippets.

00:12:32 Young people in the South Bronx neighborhood are gathering in the street to play an impromptu stickball game with improvised equipment. This footage of an authentic street game made in the 1960s is full of emotion, as the game serves to bring the local community together.

00:14:19 In this black and white clip, we can see South Bronx men hanging out on street corners. A man is solemnly standing in front of a building and smoking a cigarette. Coming of age teenage boys are throwing a frisbee and playing catch. At risk youth. The clip ends with a police car patrolling the streets of the ghetto.

00:15:20 Urban youth hanging out in the streets of South Bronx, some of them are wearing gang jackets with the insignia LATIN CROWNS, typical for the 1960s in New York. One young man inhales drugs through a brown paper bag.

00:21:30 Train chugging and whistling, swiftly down the tracks. POV passenger looking out through a misty and grubby window, exposing the poor locale. Close up of a large Christian Cross overlooking the hazy street below. Front of the Bethany Christian Mission with well dressed black children playing in the foreground.

00:22:14 Sunday afternoon baseball game in St. Mary's Park. Girls are cheer for their team while young kids cool off in water gushing from a fire hydrant. The field's bleachers are filled with family and friends, including a couple of young latino men sporting hip sunglasses.

00:25:26 Black youths idly hanging out in the street depicting youth at risk and potential gang recruitment. Chalked text on the street reads VIVA PUERTO RICO. Cut to a family outdoors on a fire escape balcony in a high rise tenement apartment building. Overhead view of a young couple walking together down the broken sidewalks of the borough.


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