Hitscan Guns with Bullet Tracers | Raycast Shooting Unity Tutorial

Описание к видео Hitscan Guns with Bullet Tracers | Raycast Shooting Unity Tutorial

Learn how to show bullet trails, aka bullet tracers to your "hitscan" guns that use Raycast. This easy to implement VFX is a great way to show your players where the bullets are going besides just bullet impacts.

In the tutorial you'll learn how to implement a hitscan gun that does not use rigidbody physics, but instead uses a Raycast to determine if the bullet should hit or not. You'll learn how to add in variable bullet spread, show the bullet trail, and play an impact particle system at the location if impact.

👨‍💻 As always, all code from this video is available on GitHub: https://github.com/llamacademy/raycas...

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📚 Resources:
⚫ Bouncing Bullets, Handle Misses, and Constant Bullet Speed:    • Bouncing Bullets with Hitscan Guns | ...  
⚫ Introduction to Object Pooling:    • Introduction to Object Pooling in Uni...  
⚫ 2021 Native Object Pooling API:    • Unity 2021 Object Pool API - What is ...  
⚫ Configure Bullet Trails with ScriptableObjects:    • Bullet Trails Using the TrailRenderer...  
⚫ Spawn a Unique Impact Particle System Per Material:    • Physically-Based Bullet Impact Effect...  

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00:00 How Hitscan Works
01:27 Scene Overview, Input Setup, and Script Creation
02:58 PlayerAction.cs - Handling Player Input
03:19 Gun.cs - Shooting the "Bullets"
08:37 Hooking it All Together
10:08 Demo
10:35 Discussion on Hitscan Limitations / Issues


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