The melody of the oud echoes in the night of Sarajevo

Описание к видео The melody of the oud echoes in the night of Sarajevo

On a night in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the melody of the oud resonating under the starry sky weaves a story that transcends time. Accompanied by the soft tones of the oud, the light rhythm of the tambourine joins in, and the deep resonance of the darbuka creates a pleasant rhythm. The elegant sound of the lute overlaps, spreading a beautiful scene like a painting.
In that place, people dressed in traditional costumes gather and listen to the music. The women wear dresses adorned with colorful embroidery, and the men wear luxurious vests and trousers. Their expressions convey a deep respect and love for the music.
Music is an important means of passing down the history and culture of the Sephardic Jews, and its melodies serve as a bridge connecting the past and the present. In the stillness of the night, the sound of the oud resonates, providing a moment of deep emotion.

Melodija ouda odjekuje u noći Sarajeva

U noći u Bosni i Hercegovini, melodija ouda koja odjekuje pod zvezdanim nebom plete priču koja nadilazi vreme. Uz mekane tonove ouda, lagani ritam tamburina se pridružuje, a duboki odjek darbuke stvara prijatan ritam. Elegantni zvuk lutnje se preklapa, šireći prelepu scenu poput slike. Na tom mestu, ljudi obučeni u tradicionalne nošnje okupljaju se i slušaju muziku. Žene nose haljine ukrašene šarenim vezom, a muškarci nose luksuzne prsluke i pantalone. Njihovi izrazi lica odražavaju duboko poštovanje i ljubav prema muzici. Muzika je važan način prenošenja istorije i kulture sefardskih Jevreja, a njene melodije služe kao most koji povezuje prošlost i sadašnjost. U tišini noći, zvuk ouda odjekuje, pružajući trenutak dubokih emocija.



#WorldMusic #ワールドミュージック
#EuropeanMusic #ヨーロッパ音楽
#HealingMusic #ヒーリングミュージック
#RelaxingSound #リラックスサウンド
#StudyBGM #勉強用BGM
#WorkBGM #仕事用BGM
#FocusBGM #作業用BGM
#SephardicMusic #セファルディ音楽
#SarajevoNights #サラエヴォの夜
#OudMelodies #ウードの旋律
#TraditionalInstruments #伝統楽器
#CulturalFusion #文化融合


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