Cut Deep: Wolf Comes to the Butcher (Wolf Among Us | Telltale Games Story | Fables)

Описание к видео Cut Deep: Wolf Comes to the Butcher (Wolf Among Us | Telltale Games Story | Fables)

Johann first appears when Bigby arrives at The Cut Above to investigate the whereabouts of the Crooked Man. After examining the storefront for a short time, Johann comes out from the freezer room and is shocked to see the sheriff. Bigby starts questioning him about Bloody Mary or the Magic Mirror shard, and he initially claims to have no idea what Bigby is talking about. As his line of questioning gets more intense, Johann claims to hear a noise in the freezer room, retreating and pressing a hidden button behind the counter. Bigby follows him into the freezer and starts searching for him. He eventually finds Johann stacking boxes in front of a bay door, and surprises him. Johann drops the box and begs for his life, saying that he is just an innocent victim. He goes on to explain that the Crooked Man's crew took over his shop a long time ago, and was using the back room for purposes unknown to him. Bigby manages to open the door, revealing a black market glamour and magic producing lab. Chains on the floor reveal that the criminals use slave labor to make their products, and a large chalkboard lists numerous Fables that purchase said products (if Bigby visits the butcher shop first). If Bigby visits the shop second, he also finds Crane's coat and the Magic Mirror shard. Johann again claims his innocence, and yells at the sheriff for not helping him sooner. Before Bigby leaves, Johann asks him how he is supposed to avoid the wrath of the Crooked Man now that his operation has been uncovered. Bigby either offers him reassurance that he'll take the Crooked Man down, offers him the Business Office's assistance, or offers nothing, and walks out of the shop while Johann watches on. "Wolf Among Us" Telltale PC Game. Part of the Episode 4: "In Sheep's Clothing". ► Watch other "Wolf Among Us" videos:


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