ঘরেই বানিয়ে ফেলুন দুধ দিয়ে পারফেক্ট বাটারস্কচ আইসক্রিম Homemade Butterscotch Ice-cream recipe

Описание к видео ঘরেই বানিয়ে ফেলুন দুধ দিয়ে পারফেক্ট বাটারস্কচ আইসক্রিম Homemade Butterscotch Ice-cream recipe

Take 1 litre full cream milk. Boil the milk in a karai for 15 minutes with low to medium flame. From karai, take few milk in a separate bowl and add two table spoon corn flour(Else, you can use butter scotch custard powder). Mix the corn flour properly. Now add two table spoon milk powder and make a lump free mixture. Now add this mixture with milk in karai. Boil the mixture with low the flame. Now add half cup(50 gm) sugar and boil for 2 minutes. Add little yellow food colour, mix it. Now add 2 drops butterscotch essence, mix it, switch off the gas and let it cool. Get a creamy texture. If butterscotch essence is not available, use butterscotch custard powder.
Now pour the mixture in the ice cream making container. Cover it with aluminium foil to avoid ice crystal. Now cover it, deep freeze it for 4 hours.

Making the butterscotch crunch:
In karai, take 4 tbsp sugar, with low flame stir the sugar to caramelize it. Now add 2 tbsp crushed cashew, 2 tbsp crushed almond, little bit butter, mix it thoroughly, gas flame should be off. Now take a plate, use butter on surface, pour the mixture, spread it and let it cool. With a knife, remove the hard mixture from plate, now crash it in a plastic packet. Butterscotch crunch is ready.

Take out the ice cream box from deep freezer, churn it in a mixer. Now pour it in the same ice cream box, layer by layer. Now again cover it by aluminium foil, cover it and freeze it for 8 to 10 hours. Enjoy your ice cream.


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