Zindagi Live Returns- People Who Fought and Won Against Drug Addiction- On 1st April 2017

Описание к видео Zindagi Live Returns- People Who Fought and Won Against Drug Addiction- On 1st April 2017

#ZindagiLiveReturns zindagi live salutes strugglers, who fought and won over themselves to shun drug addiction .Tune in for their inspirational stories as they open up to Richa Anirudh only on ETV News Network, Zindagi live has changed so many.The best show that sticks you on television.#ZindagiLiveReturns
#ZindagiLiveReturns is a special program on ETV Network.
It hosts by #RichaAnirudh ,
she is an Indian Talk Show Host,social activist,speaker and author.Zindagi Live Returns show presents relevant social issues like Student Suicides, Female Foeticide, Child Sexual Abuse etc.
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