Me & (9) Deceived all of the Town, for (9)'s greatest clutch for Coven! {Bloxston Mystery. Part 400}

Описание к видео Me & (9) Deceived all of the Town, for (9)'s greatest clutch for Coven! {Bloxston Mystery. Part 400}

I roll Enchantress in this Ranked Mode match, and let me just say, I was not expecting you to get this Enchantress video, but with how hard I deceived dead chat, and how hard (9) deceived the Town, IT JUST HAD TO BE A VIDEO! This match was so unbelievably insane, I just had to make it Part 400! I was struggling to figure out what should be part 400, until this beautiful match happened! This is the best of both worlds, because, 1: you get to see a Natural Born Enchantress game from me, and 2: you get to see an insanely godly clutch by (9). The set up, the circumstances, the building, all towards this insanely godly moment. The ultimate Necromancer clutch!

(Recorded on December 20th, 2023)

Link To Bloxston Mystery:


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