Aqualung Bass Cover

Описание к видео Aqualung Bass Cover

I rarely, if ever, feature myself in the "Featured Video" section of my channel but in honor of my best buddy, Mr. Butter, who makes an appearance at the end of the video, I made an exception. Sadly, we had to put Mr. Butter to sleep last evening, 12/20/12.

Come for the bass. Stay for the Butter. (I was going to trim the video after the guitar solo, but one of our cats, Mr. Butter, makes a rare appearance at the very end so I left it in).

Uncharacteristically, I rolled the treble way down for this song.

For some reason this bass line has always eluded me even though I've played it in a few bands (though not correctly). Walking bass lines (even very repetitive ones like this) are a weakness of mine. That, and I could never quite pick out what notes were being played, due in part to the "murky" bass tone on the recording. And also, in part, because some of the notes I thought I was hearing didn't make sense. Not that I know much theory mind you, but there were a couple of elementary things that seemed "off".

So, with some free time on my hands, I set out to settle my score with this song once and for all. My ears, which I consider to be pretty good, still could not pick out some of the passing tones in question. In desperation, I resorted to the things you people refer to as "tabs". Well, I looked at three different "tabs" which showed me three completely different bass lines. How could anyone rely on these things?

Fortunately, I stumbled on a "bass and drums only" version on YouTube and that did the trick. The tracks isolated came from the "Rockstar 2" video game.

I understand that they are re-re-re- releasing a re-mixed version this album for it's 40th anniversary. I'd think that any self-respecting Tull fan would be obligated to purchase it - you know who you are.


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