Southampton 1993 Ocean Village, Bargate Shopping Centre, Town Quay, University, Mayflower Video Tour

Описание к видео Southampton 1993 Ocean Village, Bargate Shopping Centre, Town Quay, University, Mayflower Video Tour

Video Tour of Southampton in the 90s by car & on foot, filmed 1993. See how many parts of Southampton have changed in over 29 years.

Ocean Village has been redeveloped, losing Canute's Pavillion & the cinema. The Bargate Shopping Centre has also been demolished & is awaiting redevelopment.

Notice how the old cars looked & Southampton's buses.

Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK.


00:00 - Southampton Tour 1993, starting with A27, Swaythling entering the railway tunnel to meet up with the A335
00:10 - A35, Burgess Rd, Bassett, passing the University of Southampton's Biomedical Sciences Building
00:28 - Southampton Courts of Justice building; built in the late 1980s/early 1990s on the site of the old Ordnance Survey
00:38 - Southampton's Mayflower Theatre; built 1928 as Empire Theatre, then in 1950 Gaumont
00:56 - West Quay Rd & Pirelli Cable Works. Today West Quay Retail Park & IKEA
01:12 - Southampton's Royal Pier gatehouse in the distance. The pier structure & ballroom were destroyed by fire in 1987. The gatehouse reopened as a Thai restaurant 2008. Mayflower Roundabout & The Arcades - part of the old town walls
01:22 - Town Quay, originally Watergate Quay. Originates from the mid 14th C after construction of the south town wall
01:32 - Town Quay Pier; redeveloped in 1980s. Isle of Wight Ferry & end of Town Quay Pier mall
02:11 - Maria Asumpta, the oldest working sailing ship in the world - shipwrecked off Padstow, Cornwall in 1995. Southampton to Hythe Hotspur Ferry
03:18 - Red Jet Fast Ferry
03:27 - Town Quay Pier mall
03:42 - Harbour House - former Harbour Master's Offices
03:52 - Town Quay & High St crossroads. Left of the junction is Watergate West Tower ruins, built 1377
04:02 - Red Funnel car park, today Terminal 1 building & vehicle ferry waiting area
04:14 - Itchen Bridge, opened 1977. Replaced Woolston Floating Bridge. Beyond the bridge, Vosper Thornycroft. Ships were built there 1908-2004
04:37 Ocean Village, which in 1993 was the start & finish port of Whitbread Round The World Race
05:00 Inside Canute's Pavilion
05:24 Ocean Village Marina, built on the site of the Outer Dock, which opened in 1842. The area was redeveloped 1986
05:47 - MGM cinema. Originally Cannon, opened 1989. Also known as UGC, Virgin, & Cineworld. Closed 2018
06:00 - Canute's Pavilion entrance, which was saved when Canute's Pavilion was demolished in 2008. Built in the 1920s, & incorporated into Canute's Pavilion, it was demolished 2012 after failed attempts to get it listed
06:16 - Calshot Spit Lightship. Built 1914 as a floating lighthouse at the entrance to Southampton Water
06:31 - Harbour Lights Picturehouse Cinema in construction. First opened February 1995
06:49 - Ocean Village Marina
08:04 - Oldest bowling green in the world behind the wall, first used 1299. Also God's House
08:21 - De Vere Grand Harbour Hotel in construction
08:31 - Medieval town walls. The Bosun's Locker above, famous for being the site of Jane Austen's house who lived there 1807-09
08:49 - Medieval Merchant's House, built 1290
09:05 - Town Quay Park, created 1964 on a site made derelict after German air raids in World War 2 destroyed the waterfront buildings
09:23 - Inside the Maritime Museum, opened June 1966. Originally the Wool House, & built c1332. Today The Dancing Man Brewery
09:55 - Dock Gate 8
10:05 - Westgate Street & The Medieval West Gate to South Hamptun & the Tudor Merchant's Hall
10:29 - Tudor House, Museum & Garden, built 1491
10:58 - St. Michael's Square, medieval location of Southampton's Fish Market, demolished 1634
11:24 - Bargate Shopping Centre, opened 1989, closed 2013. Now demolished to build The Bargate Quarter on the site, which will incorporate some of the previously hidden medieval walls
11:53 - Outside The Bargate Shopping Centre High St entrance
12:04 - The Bargate was the main gateway to medieval Southampton, built c1180
12:32 - High Street, Below Bar. This end of the High St was pedestrianised circa 2006
12:46 - Solent Blue Line bus driving past the old McDonalds, Above Bar. Above Bar was pedestrianised c1971
13:07 - Standing on top of the wall is a bronze statue of John Le Fleming; mayor of Southampton 1295-1336. Thursday's nightclub & The Dog & Duck in the distance
13:34 - Shops outside the Bargate Shopping Centre, beside the Bargate
14:06 - Civic Centre
14:16 - Bevois Valley

Southampton Tour 1994 featuring the proposed new site of SFC, Tyrell & Green, Southampton Civic Centre, Southampton Guildhall, site of WestQuay, Southampton's Art Gallery & Library, back of C&A, Marlands Shopping Mall, Above Bar shopping precinct:    • Southampton 1994 WestQuay site, Tyrel...  

Southampton 2012 New York's & McClusky's & East St Shopping Centre:
   • 2012 Southampton, East St Shopping Ce...  

#Southampton #Bargate #SouthamptonVideo #SouthamptonTour #SouthamptonBargate #BargateShoppingCentre #OceanVillage #TownQuay #OceanVillageMarina #QuagmiSouthampton #TownQuaySouthampton #Soton #BevoisValley #YouTubeHistory #AboveBar


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