[2020 Online Translators' Conference] Practices and Strategies of Literary Translation Education

Описание к видео [2020 Online Translators' Conference] Practices and Strategies of Literary Translation Education

[2020 Online Translators' Conference] ‘Practices and Strategies of Literary Translation Education’
✔Date: 2020. 11. 19.(Thu) 19:00 ~ 21:50
✔Participants and Topic
1) Keynote Speech | Some Thoughts on Translation – On the Holistic Understanding of Human Life | Uchang Kim/ Emeritus Professor, Korea University
2) Speech 1 | Literary Translation: Education for Literary Translation | Chris Gribble/ CEO, National Centre for Writing
3) Speech 2 | An Academy for the Art of Translation – Literary Translation Education by the German Translators’ Fund | Jürgen Jakob Becker/ Managing Director, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
4) Discussion | A note on the cradle of literary translation | Mikyung Choi/ Professor, Ewha Womans University Graduate School of Translation & Interpretation
5) Speech 3 | Present and Future of Korean Literature in Italy in the Era of Covid-19 | Andrea De Benedittis/ Associate Professor, University of Naples “l’Orientale”, Italy
6) Speech 4 | Good Instructors and Good Translation | Sun-me Yoon/ Literary translator
7) Discussion | Education in the Language and Culture vs. Translator | Kiin Chong/ Professor, Seoul National Unversity of Science&Technology

‘세계번역가대회’(2007~2015년 개최)는 세계 각지 번역가가 한 공간에 모여 번역을 둘러싼 여러가지 경험과 어려움에 대해서 서로 공감을 나누는 자리입니다.
2015년을 마지막으로 개최된 번역가대회의 정신을 이어받아, 올해에는 '문학번역 교육'에 대한 온라인 번역가대회를 개최하였습니다.
현 시점에서 문학번역교육의 내용 그리고 코로나 판데믹의 장기화로 인한 번역교육의 미래에 대해 다각적인 방향으로 토의가 이루어졌으니, 관심있는 분들의 많은 시청 바랍니다.

자료집 경로: https://ltikorea.or.kr/upload/dataeve...

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