Bereket Tesfaye በረከት ተስፋዬ እሩቅ እሩቅ የሚያሳየኝ በሀልዎት አማኑኤል ቤተክርስቲያን. Eruk Eruk.

Описание к видео Bereket Tesfaye በረከት ተስፋዬ እሩቅ እሩቅ የሚያሳየኝ በሀልዎት አማኑኤል ቤተክርስቲያን. Eruk Eruk.

Special thanks to Nehemia Tarekng for mixing and mastering this video.

Thank you, dear family in Christ, for being there as we worshiped the Lord at Haliwot Emanuel Church. God bless you for your support and prayers. We will continue worshiping the Lord until our Savior, Jesus Christ, comes again. Jesus loves you all.


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