Hike of the Skyline Trail Loop at Paradise on Mount Rainier

Описание к видео Hike of the Skyline Trail Loop at Paradise on Mount Rainier

We hiked the Skyline Trail loop on November 5th, 2019. The skies were clear, the sun was out, and it was surprisingly warm! On clear days this 6 mile hike yields spectacular views of Rainier, Adams, St. Helens, and Hood. Highly recommended!

Hike description from WTA.org
The Skyline Trail is the main route for hiking out of Paradise, Mount Rainier’s south side hub and most popular destination, providing visitors a unique opportunity to experience the breathtaking beauty of Washington’s grandest mountain. Even before the historic Paradise Inn was constructed in 1916, the Paradise valley has long been one of the state’s most beloved hiking destinations because of its southern exposure, giving it a longer season than its north side counterpart, Sunrise. In peak season (July and August) your trip along the Skyline Trail will be filled with views of cascading waterfalls, mighty glaciers and subalpine meadows brimming with colorful splashes of lupines, mountain heather, scarlet paintbrush, cascade asters and bistort.


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