Harnessing the RAIN Method: Transform Negativity into Power - Matt Gluckman.

Описание к видео Harnessing the RAIN Method: Transform Negativity into Power - Matt Gluckman.

Matt Gluckman is a dedicated personal trainer who is passionate about helping people establish best practices for a fulfilling and vibrant life.

But his journey to becoming a Personal Trainer wasn’t a straight path. Life presented Matt with challenges that pushed him to connect deeply with himself, discover what truly matters, and understand the transformative power of movement.

He shares how sometimes we can go for a quick fix, but connecting with ourselves and our own emotions can lead us to long-lasting results.

He has used exercise, nutrition and behaviour changes to overcome his own personal challenges with anxiety and depression. Now, he’s on a mission to empower others to break free from their limitations and blossom into the best versions of themselves.

Listen to the full Episode to discover what tools helped him, and how this can help you.

If you would like to hear more about Matt and his training, find it at www.thinkfitnesslife.com


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