Methods Matter - Grounded Theory

Описание к видео Methods Matter - Grounded Theory

The Methods Matter Video Podcast - from Dementia Researcher & the National Centre for Research Methods. A podcast for people who don't know much about methods...those who do, and those who just want to find news and clever ways to use them in their research.

In this second series Clinical Research Fellow, Dr Donncha Mullin from The University of Edinburgh brings together leading experts in research methodology, and the dementia researchers that use them, to provide a fun introduction to five qualitive research methods in a safe space where there are no such things as dumb questions!

Episode Two – Grounded Theory

In expert corner - Dr Kahryn Hughes, from University of Leeds. Director of the Timescapes Archive, Editor in Chief of Sociological Research Online, Convenor of the MA Qualitative Research Methods and a Senior Fellow for the NCRM.

In researcher ranch – Nisha Dhanda, Audiologist, Teaching Fellow, and PhD Candidate from Aston University. Nisha has always had an interest in the way people communicate and how this is affected with unmanaged hearing loss and associated comorbidities like cognitive impairment and dementia, an interest that has inspired her teaching and her PhD.

Further reading referenced in the show:

Barney G Glaser / Anselm L Strauss Book -
Anselm L Strauss / Juliet Corbin Book -
Kathy Charmaz career and books -
Discussion with Kathy Charmaz -    • A Discussion with Prof Kathy Charmaz ...  
Virginia Braun and Victoria Clark website -


Read more about our guests and listen to more great podcasts at:

The National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) provides a service to learners, trainers and partner organisations in the research methods community - methodological training and resources on core and advanced quantitative, qualitive, digital, creative, visual, mixed and multimodal methods.


This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK and Alzheimer's Society, who we thank for their ongoing support.

Learn more about the new drugs coming to treat Alzheimer's Disea with this video podcast - "A Closer Look at Lecanemab, Donanemab and Amyloid"
   • A Closer Look at Lecanemab, Donanemab...  


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