Who Made My Clothes? - Fashion Revolution

Описание к видео Who Made My Clothes? - Fashion Revolution

In the time since the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, where 1138 people needlessly lost their lives on 24 April 2013. The Fashion Revolution #whomademyclothes campaign is a global movement seeking to ensure we never see another tragedy like this.

Our film for Fashion Revolution 2019 shares with you a small sample of the almost 9000 people who manufacture our own-brand labels. Our aim is to reconnect customers with the people who make the clothes they wear through these human stories.
THE ICONIC is working closely with our own-brand manufacturers to improve working conditions. While we have made good progress to date, we know there are still improvements to be made. You can find a list of our 50+ factories and details of the work we are doing with them here http://bit.ly/2vjVbYE.

For more worker stories click here http://bit.ly/2IXLWp3

#whomademyclothes #fashionrevolution


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