React JS 21- Higher Order Components ( HOC )

Описание к видео React JS 21- Higher Order Components ( HOC )

في الفيديو ده هنتعرف على
Higher Order Components
في الريأكت وهنشوف ايه لازمتها معانا

لو حابب تعزمني على قهوة :
او على رقم

React is a powerful JavaScript library that makes it easy to create user interfaces. In this video, we'll explore the basics of the React lifecycle, including how to create components, mount them into the DOM, and handle events.

If you're new to React, or if you're looking to improve your skills with React, this video is a great place to start. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of the React lifecycle and be able to create high-quality user interfaces using React!


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