Discussing Chastity with Youth Groups

Описание к видео Discussing Chastity with Youth Groups


Catholic Answers Chastity Speaker, Leah Darrow, gives practical advice on how adults can approach the topic of chastity with parish youth groups.

From "America's Next Top Model" to now Catholic Speaker, Leah's journey in faith has been a battle at times, but has left her with a refreshed and hopeful perspective of the world today and the hope for a better one tomorrow. For Leah, her slow fade from her Catholic faith didn't happen overnight. It developed with bad choices, missed opportunities and choosing a comfortable life versus an extraordinary life.

Even the years prior to her Reality TV fame, her Catholic faith took a backseat role but all this changed during one special photo shoot in which God allowed her to see her soul in its current state. This extraordinary and supernatural grace gave her the courage to change every aspect of her life: her friends, her beliefs, her clothes (yikes!), and her opinion of the world and herself.

Changing her life and leading a chaste one was easier in some aspects and harder in others. For any fashion model, clothing is a big deal. Leah realized the great importance of how clothing can communicate to the world who she is, where she is going, and what she believes. By simply changing her fashion style, Leah was able to tell the world that her heart, her mind, and her spirit had been transformed in Christ. And believe it or not, Christ inspired fashion is definitely "in style."

Inspired by Blessed Mother Teresa and Pope Benedict XVI, Leah has found her own Calcutta helping all of those lost in sin, scared to change and offers them the lighted pathway to Christ, our Hope and our Salvation. Pope Benedict XVI said, "The world promises you comfort but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness!" Leah inspires her audiences to become great with Christ; to become a great light of Christ for the world to see!

For information on how to get Leah to speak in your area, please call Monica Duren at 619-387-7200.

Topics covered: America's Next Top Model and Leah's wakeup call/reversion; the Modeling industry; Definition of chastity; Interest of young people in the message of chastity; Chastity under attack; Advertising/promotional trend toward immodesty; Counter examples of modesty; Dating and courtship; Heartbreak in unchaste relationships


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