Brief Intro to Reinforcement Learning and Planning (with running example)

Описание к видео Brief Intro to Reinforcement Learning and Planning (with running example)

#AIResearch #75HardResearch #75HardAI #ResearchPaperExplained

The video discusses Reinforcement Learning (RL), Markov Decision Process (MDP), and planning, with a running example.

00:00 - Intro
00:10 - RL Task Setting
01:27 - What is RL Policy
02:54 - Running example of robot in grid world
07:27 - Markov Decision Process (MDP)
08:13 - Transition Function
09:09 - Reward Function
10:45 - Discount Factor
14:14 - Planning vs RL
14:50 - Is our life an RL or a Planning problem?
16:23 - Outro and next video


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