Minecraft: How to make a working Death Star

Описание к видео Minecraft: How to make a working Death Star

I'm taking a look at how to build a death star that can fire a laser to destroy planets! There are no mods used- only command block magic and a lot of free time!

Download the map for Minecraft version 1.14.4:
► https://ijaminecraft.com/map/death-star/

My very first YouTube video was a timelapse, but I haven't done anything similar for the next 7 years. So I thought, why not go back to the roots, and make another timelapse- this time to create a Death Star! A simple Death Star might be a bit boring though, so I decided to not only make the thing massive but also give it an actual laser cannon that works using command blocks!

I googled and found some useful reference material for how the internals of a Death Star might look like, and then I started my journey of putting together the huge planet-destroying space station!

I started with the core of the planet and continued with the main infrastructure, including the main power generator, pumps, central computing unit, and power cells. After that, I used command blocks to generate the shell of the Death Star. I added the laser disk and other internal structures, before actually implementing the laser beam itself. I then looked at the original Star Wars films to recreate the laser firing animation. And let me tell you, it turned out a lot better looking than I anticipated at first!

Here's the Death Star plan I used, and the book where it's from:
» Book: https://haynes.com/en-au/imperial-dea...
» Plan: https://imgur.com/gallery/mMst8

I used my Planet Generator data pack to generate a planet for the Death Star to destroy!
» Planet Generator:    • Planet Generator in Minecraft  

I used Replay Mod by CrushedPixel and johni0702 to record a lot of the footage in this video.
» Replay Mod: https://www.replaymod.com/

00:00 Intro
00:30 Reactor Core
01:01 Main Power Generator
01:14 Power Processing Networks
01:42 Reactor Water Tank
02:02 Central Computer Core
02:12 Cooling System
02:24 Energy Storage System
02:39 Superlaser Structure
03:41 Outer Shell
05:37 Laser Disk
06:07 Laser Cannon
06:45 Inner Wall
07:25 Left-side Machinery
08:33 Right-side Machinery
09:14 Command Block Time
10:01 Laser Beam Animation
10:30 Control Platform
10:55 Energy Field
11:33 Main Laser Beam
13:30 Outro

#deathstar #starwars #ija #minecraft


• YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/IJAMinec...
• TWITTER:   / ijaminecraft  

🎵 Music by Kevin MacLeod
» Songs in order: Moonlight Hall, Tango de Manzana, Malicious, (Tango de Manzana), Future Gladiator
"Moonlight Hall": https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song...
"Tango de Manzana": https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song...
"Malicious": https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song...
"Future Gladiator": https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song...
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
Kevin MacLeod: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io



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