Photogrammetry- Agisoft vs. Pix4D- Comparing an Orthomosaic 2020

Описание к видео Photogrammetry- Agisoft vs. Pix4D- Comparing an Orthomosaic 2020

UPDATE: January 2024
Our drone mapping course is free of charge to all who are interested. It does cost us to have it online so if you can donate to help offset the cost, Please do.

This short video gives a high-level overview of the two leading photogrammetry software applications in the UAS industry. Although one software is chosen by more companies than the other, both are proving to be a good choice. Depending on the needs of the consumer, either program may prove to be a good choice. As the founder of GM6 Solutions, I am 100% sold on Agisoft Metashape. We have successfully processed hundreds if not thousands of maps and 3D models with it.
#photogrammetry, #aerialmapping


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