Langrisser M SEA - 500 pulls on the Wings of Vengeance banner for Ilucia and Shilinka

Описание к видео Langrisser M SEA - 500 pulls on the Wings of Vengeance banner for Ilucia and Shilinka

Chill quick summoning session for the latest heroes to hit Langrisser M. Man the EOL skins are beautiful!

Banner Results:

90 Young Jessica
190 Shilinka
230 Ilucia, Shilinka
330 Shilinka
340 Ilucia
440 Ilucia, Shilinka
500 Shilinka

5 Shilinka, 3 Ilucia, 1 off-banner, 9 SSRs in 500 pulls, 1.8% SSR rate, out of which 88.9% were on-banner heroes, 1 SSR every 55.6 pulls, 3 pity pulls demonstrated in real-time


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