Our Halal Wedding

Описание к видео Our Halal Wedding

Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Alhamdulilah by the grace and mercy of Allah SWT, this is our example of a halal wedding in which we strove to celebrate love and commitment following Islamic principles and honoring the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah, ultimately to please Allah SWT. Please make dua for us that Allah SWT accepts and blesses our union and marriage.

The highlights of the ceremony includes Qur'an recitation, Qasidahs, and Nasheeds by the late Munshid Sidi Mouaz Al-Nass may Allah SWT have mercy on him, and Islamic talks delivered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch as well as Shaykh Omar Popal including Naseeha (advice) and Dua (supplications).

We strove to invite as many ulamah, imams and scholars as we could to increase in blessings and duas of the righteous. Additionally, in terms of our arrangements we had separate halls for men and women including separate food lines, entrances and accommodations of the like.

We hope this video encourages and inspires other Muslims getting married to follow in a similar fashion and do better insha'Allah to ultimately please Allah SWT and follow the Prophetic Sunnah of our beloved Messenger Muhammad ﷺ.


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