This Slave POISONED The Lion Keeper At The Tower Of London...

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One of the stranger stories in the History of the Tower of London is when Edward Francis, the slave belonging to the Lion Keeper Thomas Dymock was brought to trial accused of poisoning his owner and his owner's family. Edward Francis had been taken from Africa and was forced to work in keeping the Lions inside of the royal menagerie in the Tower of London during the 17th century. But to try and get his freedom, it's believed that he poisoned the food of the Dymock family with rat poison.

However what was shocking was that the slave was brought to trial, and was then accused of misdemeanour rather than attempted murder or manslaughter. The Lion Keeper's Wife even died during the poisoning ordeal, but there was not enough evidence linking the slave to her death. However Edward Francis may have actually tried to escape before, and what happened to him after his imprisonment is unknown.

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