INFINITE JEST by David Foster Wallace

Описание к видео INFINITE JEST by David Foster Wallace

Buy me a coffee:

Paperback, 1079 pages
Published 2006 by Back Bay Books (first published 1996)
ISBN: 0316066524
  / 75786.infinite_jest  

My conversation on The Great Concavity podcast:

David Foster Wallace Society:

1. Intro 0:00:00
2. Apology 0:05:11
3. Approach to Reading 0:09:12
4. General Observations of IJ 0:10:37
5. Themes in IJ 0:12:47
6. (Attempt at) Plot Summary 0:14:13
7. Literature Review 0:20:47
8. Ramble through Reading Notes 0:47:12
9. Parting Thoughts 1:14:50

#leafbyleaf #bookreview #infinitejest #davidfosterwallace


Bookworm interview with David Foster Wallace (11 April 1996):

“David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest: A Reader's Guide” by Stephen J. Burn
  / david-foster-wallace-s-infinite-jest  

“A Reader's Companion to Infinite Jest” by Robert Bell and William Dowling
  / 4296.a_reader_s_companion_to_infinite_jest  

“Conversations with David Foster Wallace” edited by Stephen J. Burn
  / conversations-with-david-foster-wallace  

“Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace” by D.T. Max
  / every-love-story-is-a-ghost-story  

“Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace” by David Lipsky
  / although-of-course-you-end-up-becoming-you...  

“Understanding David Foster Wallace” by Marshall Boswell
  / understanding-david-foster-wallace  

“Elegant Complexity: A Study of David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest” by Greg Carlisle
  / 1655890.elegant_complexity  

“The End of the Tour” (2015) starring Jason Segel and Jesse Eisenberg

“Programming Literary Influence: David Foster Wallace’s ‘B.I. #59’” (from Texas Studies in Literature and Language) by Lucas Thompson


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