Arp 2600M vs. Antonus 2600 Comparison: VCF Distortion

Описание к видео Arp 2600M vs. Antonus 2600 Comparison: VCF Distortion

No talk, just sound: Quick example of the ARP 2600M and the Antonus 2600 to demonstrate the different behaviours.
You can hear how the Korg/Arp 2600M has a more aggressive sound and distorts/growls more even with resonance up but it doesn't really distort as much when reso is at zero. The Antonus breaks up the sound at full VCO levels when resonance is at zero but sounds cleaner than the Arp 2600M when the resonance is up. Also note the VCA clipping out on the Antonus, when i turn up both envelopes.


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