「對話 - 器與花」陶藝.花藝展覽 - 陶藝篇 | DIALOGUE - Pottery x Flower Exhibition - Pottery Chapter

Описание к видео 「對話 - 器與花」陶藝.花藝展覽 - 陶藝篇 | DIALOGUE - Pottery x Flower Exhibition - Pottery Chapter


陶藝專業教室 SUMO Pottery
生活美學空間 Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier
「對話 - 器與花」陶藝.花藝展覽

關琬潼 - 生活美學家 / 花藝家
李慧心 - SUMO 創辦人 / 陶藝家
關秀雯 - SUMO 創辦人 / 陶藝家
陶啟安 - 陶藝家
鄭禮仁 - 陶藝家
頁 - 陶藝家

展覽日期:2022年 5 月 21 日 - 6 月 19 日
時間︰早上 11 時 - 晚上 9 時
地點:SUMO Pottery
香港九龍尖沙咀河內道 18 號 K11 購物藝術館 3 樓 305 號鋪

A ceramic artwork can be a stage for flowers to make their beauty prominent; it can also be an individual being that shines independently.

The exhibition “DIALOGUE - Ceramic & Floral” co-created by SUMO Pottery and Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier reveals the dialogue between ceramic artworks & flowers and that of ceramists & the florist.

Participating Artists
Kwan Yuen Tung - Aesthetic Lifestyle Designer / Florist
Sum Lee - Founder of SUMO / Ceramist
Mon Kwan - Founder of SUMO / Ceramist
Benny To - Ceramist
Ryan Cheng - Ceramist
Leaf Yip - Ceramist

Date: 21 May - 19 June 2022
Time: 11:00am - 9:00pm
Venue: SUMO Pottery
Shop 305, 3/F, K11 Art Mall, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong


0:16 陶啟安 Benny To - 陶藝家 Ceramist

0:35 《TKOB-27YRS-OBJs-FLOWERS》陶啟安 Benny To

0:59 關秀雯 Mon Kwan - SUMO 創辦人 / 陶藝家 Founder of SUMO / Ceramist

1:07 《花景》關秀雯 Mon Kwan

1:15 鄭禮仁 Ryan Cheng - 陶藝家 Ceramist

1:43 《Ikebana Vases》 鄭禮仁 Ryan Cheng

2:10 李慧心 Sum Lee - SUMO 創辦人 / 陶藝家 Founder of SUMO / Ceramist

2:15 《遊走》李慧心 Sum Lee

2:38 頁 Leaf Yip - 陶藝家 Ceramist

3:01 《茶,山水》頁 Leaf Yip

Sumo Pottery:   / sumo_pottery  
Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier: https://www.al-atelierhk.com

監製 / 美術指導 / 花境設計 Producer / Art Director / Floral Designer:關琬潼 Kwan Yuen Tung
導演 / 攝影師 / 後期製片 Director of Photography / Camera / Post-production:張浩正 Joshua Cheung
特別鳴謝 Special Thanks To︰萬幸 Wan Xing

©️ SUMO Pottery & Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier 2022 All Rights Reserved


想更了解 Kwan Yuen Tung 如何過詩意生活 ? 歡迎在以下平台與她聯繫
Would like to know more about How Kwan Yuen Tung lives a Poetic Life? Please contact her via the platforms below

Facebook:   / shadow.love.bliss  
Instagram:   / shadow.love.bliss  

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