Food for Thought: Diet in History (a History Talk podcast)

Описание к видео Food for Thought: Diet in History (a History Talk podcast)

How and what we eat defines who we are. Food is both everywhere and nowhere, so normal that we rarely consider how radically the production and consumption of food have shaped not only human culture but the environment as well (and how radically the production of food has changed over time). Sample a little food history with historians Chris Otter, Helen Veit, and Sam White, who reveal that what we shove into our mouths has shaped our cultures, our bodies, and our planet. (Recorded December 2015)

History Talk podcasts are a production of Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective at the Goldberg Center in the Department of History at The Ohio State University in conjunction with the Department of History at Miami University. Be sure to subscribe to our channel to receive updates about our videos and podcasts. For more information about Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective, please visit


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