How To Make Rice Water For Massive Hair Growth!!! Tips & Tricks

Описание к видео How To Make Rice Water For Massive Hair Growth!!! Tips & Tricks

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Rice water is not a new remedy for hair growth on the net, is popular and majority of people uses it to grow their hair or to reduce hair breakage...
I have made a video where I used rice water to grow my hair and i showed you guys the result it gave me......
so in this video I just showed you how to make the rice water properly and how you can store it, because most of you guys that watched my previous rice water video seemed not to understand most of the things I did and said in the video, because you left so many questions for me concerning the rice water..
How to make it properly....
How to store it....
The Kind of rice to use...
Well this video answered all your questions, so check it out and tell me what you think down below

Love you guys so much

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I own no rights to any of the music used in this video, all rights goes to respective creators and owners

#ricewater #ricewaterforhairgrowth #natural hairremedy


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