Everything You Need to Know About MYLAR Bags & Freeze Dried Food Storage -- Food Storage Video #3

Описание к видео Everything You Need to Know About MYLAR Bags & Freeze Dried Food Storage -- Food Storage Video #3

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This is video #3 in our Freeze Dried Food Storage Series. We are covering Everything you need to know about Mylar! Today, we are covering Mylar bags. We will help you make a smart purchase, how to determine whether you have a "Mylar" product, why you need a real Mylar product for long term food storage & how to properly seal a Mylar or food storage bag.

❄️❄️Harvestright Freeze Dryers! ❄️❄️ https://affiliates.harvestright.com/4...
👌👌Freeze Dryer Accessories👌👌 you see in our videos: http://www.freezedryingsupplies.com
🍽️🍽️Freeze Drying Cookbook: 🍽️🍽️ http://www.freezedryingcookbook.com
AVID ARMOR chamber vacuum sealers: https://www.avidarmor.com/?aff=43
🔥🔥favorite products🔥🔥: http://www.amazon.com/shop/thefreezed...

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