I Tested The Best Hurom Juicers: H400 vs H320/H70/H310

Описание к видео I Tested The Best Hurom Juicers: H400 vs H320/H70/H310

👉 $70 Off H400 (Code: SK10) ➜ https://sprintkitchen.com/go/yt-h400-...
👉 $60 Off H70 (Code: SK10) ➜ https://sprintkitchen.com/go/yt-h70-h...
👉 $60 Off H320 (Code: SK10) ➜ https://sprintkitchen.com/go/yt-h320-...
👉 $40 Off H310 (Code: SK10) ➜ https://sprintkitchen.com/go/yt-h310-...

👉 20% Off Juicing EBook ➜ https://sprintkitchen.com/go/yt-juici...

Looking for the best Hurom juicers? In this epic $2,300 showdown, we put four popular models through intense testing. After 32 hours of research, I'm breaking down everything you need to know about these best Hurom juicers - from assembly and cleaning to making sorbet and nut milk.
You won't believe the surprising results when it comes to juice yields - some of the newer models actually outperform their more expensive counterparts! I dive deep into those tiny engineering details most reviewers miss, like how the H70's improved blade design makes a real difference.
What's really fascinating is how the noise levels vary, and why RPM speeds might not matter as much as you think. Plus, I reveal which model achieved a mind-blowing 53-second unboxing to cleanup time.
Watch till the end to discover which model emerged as the unexpected champion - the answer might surprise you!
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