Japan Surrenders (1945)

Описание к видео Japan Surrenders (1945)

National Archives and Records Administration - ARC 39075, LI 208-UN-168 - JAPAN SURRENDERS - DVD Copied by Thomas Gideon. Series: Motion Picture Films from "United News" Newsreels, compiled 1942 - 1945. Shows Japan's international activities, 1931-1945: troops embark for Manchuria; Shanghai lies in ruins (1937); Japans delegation leaves the League of Nations; war rages in China; Italian troops invade Ethiopia; Franco's troops guard Madrid; a party celebrates the Axis pact of 1940; Chinese refugees clog the streets; Pearl Harbor is attacked; remnants of the U.S. fleet assemble; the amphibious assault on Guadalcanal; Gen. MacArthur returns to the Philippines; Iwo Jima is attacked; Gen. Buckner watches Japanese surrender on Okinawa; kamikaze planes attack aircraft carriers; B-29's bomb Japan; the Navy bombards Hokaido; the atom bomb devastates Hiroshima; the Potsdam Conference meets; a parade in Moscow; Hirohito rides in a procession; Pres. Truman announces the Japanese surrender; and New York City rejoices. Other personages: Adm. Halsey, Pres. Roosevelt, Chiang Kai-shek, Adm. Nimitz, Sec. of State Byrnes, Sec. of War Stimson, Sec. of the Navy Forrestal, Cordell Hull, Adm. Leahy, Molotov, Stalin, Clement Attlee, Ernest Bevin.


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