
Описание к видео #YoganandaFest

We asked Narayani to share with us what helped her throughout her active spiritual life to overcome difficulties and challenges. But we did not anticipate what she would come up with: A fiery, enthusiastic, highly energetic talk about how to face life full on and to always choose the higher path when obstacles come our way. Deeply inspired by Swami Kriyananda's example, she gives us hope and motivation for a life lived in its highest potential. A real devotee's life.

Alle Videos vom Yoganandafest2022: https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/yogan...

Ananda ist eine globale spirituelle Bewegung basierend auf Paramhansa Yoganandas Lehren der Selbst-Verwirklichung, gegründet von seinem direkten Schüler Swami Kriyananda.

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