Operation Mining Mafia: Environmentalist Questions Haryana Mining Minister's Intention

Описание к видео Operation Mining Mafia: Environmentalist Questions Haryana Mining Minister's Intention

A Haryana police officer of DSP rank was killed by a mining mafia near Nuh's Pachgaon on Tuesday. Taoru DSP Surendra Singh, who was probing illicit mining, died on the spot after being run over by a truck. His body was found in an open dumpster.
The incident took place when Surendra Singh had gone to conduct a raid at Taudu Hill after receiving a tip-off about alleged illicit mining. An eyewitness said the DSP was standing near his official vehicle when he signalled the dumper driver, allegedly carrying illicit quarrying equipment, to stop. The driver did not stop and crushed the cop under his truck.

#illegalmining #haryananews #miningmafia

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