Automation Testing Mock Interview | Selenium Interview| RD Automation Learning

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This video contains Java interview questions, Selenium interview questions, TestNG interview questions and Database interview questions, Rest API interview questions, Manual Testing interview questions that were asked as part of Mock Interview Questions Process.

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1. Tell us about your automation framework
2. How many test cases do u automate in a day
3. What is meant by dependency in TestNG?
Dependency in TestNG is a process of making one test dependent on the other test. By providing dependencies in the test methods, we assure that a test method B would only run if test method A runs (given B depends on A). Moreover, in TestNG, we can also have one test method dependent on multiple tests.
4. How do you create dependencies in TestNG?
We can create the dependent tests in TestNG by providing the dependsonMethods parameter on the @Test annotation. The value of the attribute is the name of the method on which we want this method to depend.

5. What is meant by invocationCount in TestNG?

The invocationCount is an attribute that defines the number of times a test method has to run in a single execution. So, if the invocationCount sets as 5, then the test method would run five times each time I execute the TestNG test case.

Syntax for invocationCount:

@Test (invocationCount = 5)

6. What is the significance of “timeout” in TestNG?

In TestNG, “timeout” is a parameter that defines the maximum time that a method can take for execution. The timeout parameter is handy if the execution time is a constraint during testing, or the tester wants to take precautions against the endless execution of tests. We can declare the timeout parameter at:

suite level: To put a time constraint on all the methods in the suite.
method level: To put the time constraint on a particular method.

@Test (timeout = 1000)

7. Can we disable a test in TestNG? If so, explain how?

Yes, disabling a test can be achieved in TestNG. Once we disable a test, it will not run in the next execution cycle. Moreover, we accomplish this by using the “enabled” attribute.


@Test (enabled = False)
8. what is array list & lnkedlist
ArrayList is implementation of list interface.
ArrayList is not synchonized(so not thread safe)
ArrayList is implemented using array as internal data structure.It can be dynamically resized .

LinkedList is implementation of list and deque interface.
LinkedList is not synchronized
LinkedList is implemented using doubly linked list as internal data structure.

9. Search is faster in ArrayList as uses array internally which is index based. So here time complexity is O(1)
Search is slower in LinkedList as uses doubly Linked List internally So here time complexity is O(n)

10. What is checked exception?
Checked exceptions are those exceptions which are checked at compile. If you do not handle them , you will get compilation error.

11. Unchecked exceptions are those exceptions which are not checked at compile time. Java won’t complain if you do not handle the exception.

12. What do you mean by Platform independence of java?
You can write and compile program in one Operating system and run in other operating system.
For example:
You can compile program in Windows and can run it in Unix.
13. What is difference between JVM, JRE and JDK ?
JVM : JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine. It is virtual machine which actually runs the byte code.
JRE : JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment. It provides runtime environment for java code. It has JVM , libraries such as rt.jar and other files.
JDK : JDK stands for Java development kit. It is superset of JRE, it has JRE + compilation and debugging tools(javac and java).


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