CHASING | A Tour Divide Story (FULL FILM) | The Women's Race of the Tour Divide 2023

Описание к видео CHASING | A Tour Divide Story (FULL FILM) | The Women's Race of the Tour Divide 2023

"It was just 2 years ago when I first heard of the Tour Divide and the word "bikepacking". As a pro road cyclist, who’s never touched a mountain bike, and never camped before, the idea of doing a time trial in the wild was pretty... wild indeed!

A few years ago, passionate about the power of the mind, I was reading about how what we know as our references create bias to the mind and limiters to the body. Removing references is therefore the only way to achieve our utmost physical potential. Applying this concept, I then went on to become one of the fastest time-trialists in Canada.

While my Olympic dream didn’t materialize, the Tour Divide triggered my curiosity. A 4,300 km time trial! What a ridiculous distance! What if I remove everything I know about what I’m capable of doing, and set my mind to riding as fast as I can, from Banff to the Mexican border. How far would I be able to push my body?

With no ultra-endurance experience, and no mountain bike skills, will determination be enough to compete in the hardest bicycle race in the world?

This story recounts my first time racing the Tour Divide, my first ultra-cycling race, from a neo-bikepacker point of view, a roadie, willing to give everything she has to reach the border first.
Full heart, fullgas.
This is my story."

A Film of Marie-Soleil Blais

Stay tuned after the film and join the Live Q&A :

Rejoignez la séance en-direct de questions/réponses suite au visionnement du film :

This film was entirely produced and edited by myself. If you would like to support my efforts in the creation of these videos, you can make a donation here:
Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Follow my adventures on IG @msoleilblais74


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