Burn Cycle for the Philips CDi 1994

Описание к видео Burn Cycle for the Philips CDi 1994

A little footage from an interactive FMV video game for the ill fated CDi and probably one of the best games of this type on CDi at the time. However without a guide it's bloody impossible to really understand what you are supposed to be doing!
Plus the section where you shoot asteroids is very tricky and unforgiving with my gamepad as a controller. This game spurred me on to get my CDi 450 memory chip replaced. The save battery in any original CDi model will have expired by now and for some bizarre reason the battery is encased in a solid timekeeper ram chip. So changing it requires either grinding away the end of the chip where the battery is and wiring in a new one or swapping out the whole module. I paid someone to swap out the whole module, as playing this game is nearly impossible without a save. This game also came with a soundtrack CD of techno tunes from the game.


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