Living with Hypoallergenic Siberian Cats | Allergy Symptoms, Treatment, Allergy Shots Explained

Описание к видео Living with Hypoallergenic Siberian Cats | Allergy Symptoms, Treatment, Allergy Shots Explained

Hello and thanks for joining me today! Today's video is a little different than usual as I wanted to share my experience living with Anya and Uni with cat allergies. This is just my personal experience and not meant to be medical advice. Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope my experience is helpful :)

00:00 - My allergies and symptoms
01:50 - Where cat allergies come from and hypoallergenic breeds
03:33 - Finding a cat breeder
05:55 - Allergy shots explained

Instagram:   / anya.__.uni  


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