如何更有尊嚴、更有品質地迎接善終 | Why home health care leads to better aging | 余尚儒 Sang Ju Yu | TEDxTaipei

Описание к видео 如何更有尊嚴、更有品質地迎接善終 | Why home health care leads to better aging | 余尚儒 Sang Ju Yu | TEDxTaipei


Home health care advocate Sang Ju Yu has been running his Home Clinic Dulan since 2017. It is the first clinic in Taiwan where medical personnels make house calls and work with family members in providing the best care to elderly patients. In this candid talk, Yu shares how treating patients in the comfort of their own homes has transformed the small community of Dulan. -----


除了醫療本業,也長期關注台灣環境正義與糧食安全議題,與當地居民發起都蘭SPC醫食農研究中心,面對急速高齡的台灣,進一步籌組「好家宅共生文化基金會」。 期待透過在台東的「在地實踐」,粹發出「生命有限、在宅無限」的精義。

Sang Ju Yu is a physician and advocate of home health care services. In 2017, he launched Taiwan's first home care clinic in a small costal community in Taitung, Taiwan. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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