7 tips to get better at lesson planning | Teacher advice

Описание к видео 7 tips to get better at lesson planning | Teacher advice

Hi everyone,

In this video I share with you some tips to get better at lesson planning. I hope that this video is useful in helping you get plan lessons much better and faster. If you have any other suggestions, share them in the comments down below :)

✨ A b o u t m e ✨

My name is Sofia. I'm a secondary school teacher in the UK, currently head of biology, and I teach science to ages 11-18. I make videos giving advice to new teachers, experienced teachers and and I also offer teacher training advice for those of you doing your PGCE or SCITT. Check out my playlists and my vlogs, plan with me and work with me videos. I also make videos about productivity and organisation. I hope to inspire and support you with whatever stage you are at with your career and life. I'm so grateful you're here!

✨ F i n d m e e l s e w h e r e ✨

💖 instagram: [  / sofiabrokenchalk  ](  / sofiabrokenchalk  )

📩 e-mail: [email protected]

🔗 I would love it if you could subscribe, like and comment on my video!

Thanks and see you next week!



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