Valiant Hearts: The Great War - All taxi driving sequences

Описание к видео Valiant Hearts: The Great War - All taxi driving sequences

This videofeatures all the three sequences from Valiant Hearts: The Great War where you get to pilot Anna's taxi, dodging various obstacles and trying to reach the end of each level with your car still in one piece.

Here are the three sequences in order of appearence:

1) Danger from above (00:00)
2) Taxi Cancan (2:40)
3) Fight of the bumblebee (4:43)

It's worth mentioning that each taxi sequence follow one or two classical pieces of music, with the obstacles and enemy attacks following their rhythm almost perfectly. Danger from above follows the melody of Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Brahms, Taxi Cancan has (obviously) Offenbach's Can Can running in the background and Fight of the bumblebee a mixture of Flight of the Bumblebee by Rimsky-Korsakov and A Night On Bald Mountain by Mussorgsky.

On a pure gameplay perspective, while Danger from above and Taxi Cancan are a sudden change in the adventure game gameplay but otherwise kind of easy to get through, Fight of the bumblebee isn't a pushover at all and the tank will kick you ass several times before you learn its attack patterns. In the end, it's all a matter of learning all the moves it has and react accordingly (althought leaving the sequence unscarred is very difficult)


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