Pilot training in India is an easy process except the exams one have to pass. DGCA, the authorised organisation to conduct pilot training exams in India, is strict in maintaining quality of cadets and so exams are made a little tough to crack. However, we are providing a systematic plan to crack them easily. Plan to appear for the exams like this and you can surely pass the exams. I, as a pilot, used this strategy on my own.

Why I prefer it this way? Passing Technical general, Air navigation and RT requires patience and deep study. You will get more knowledge and understanding each time you appear and you will be more and more prepared. Passing RT exam also requires in-depth knowledge and experience. As your flying also progress, you will get more experience and expertise in the field which will enable you to answer quickly and correctly based on your own experience. You must learn thoroughly and consistently to pass exams. Taking long breaks during preparation can make the entire effort futile.

Never think about shortcuts

Never think about passing pilot exams using shortcuts. These exams are not conducted to get you a job easily. Rumors about fraud agents who loot money from candidates to make them pass exams spread recently.  Using fraudulent techniques can result in risking your life while in air. If you have passed honestly, you will have good knowledge about what to do in an emergency. You will also be familiar with standard procedures, laws etc.

Preparing each paper

Each exam should be faced with different strategies.

Technical Specific

Technical specific exam is the easiest among the 6. You just need a small question bank (200 to 300 questions in total), to pass. Just prepare for that, 2 or 3 days before the exam date and you will surely get it. Remember to memorise the questions and answers completely and exactly, as you may see very similar answers in the options.

Air regulations

This subject consists of national and international law regarding aviation, standard operation procedures and emergency procedures.

Technical General & Air Navigation

There are the hard exams conducted by DGCA. Technical general consists of mechanical and electrical systems of aircrafts. Air navigation deals with safe navigation of aircraft, calculations associated with it, instruments to be used, etc. It is better to apply any one at a time and prepare fully using Oxford or Trent study materials. Pilot18.com has got a large number of trial exams to enable you to crack the exam in first chance itself.

RTR Aero (Radio Telephony)

The hardest exam needs more attention too. Communication skill in very essential to crack the first part. You have to communicate using RT language in real-time and show your proficiency in it. The more experience you have in flying and real RT, the better.  You can also buy wireless handsets and practice it your own with the help of your instructors, who have already done with the exam. You need good knowledge in technical, navigation, meteorology and air regulations to pass the interview session. In short, you must be well prepared and knowledgeable to crack RT exam


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