Count it all Joy - Being Steadfast in the Storm

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How do we remain steadfast during times of upheaval and why would James tells us to be joyful when we face trials in life? Often the Christian message is counter-intuitive and counter-culture but we live in an inverted reality where good is called evil and evil is called good, so we are called to turn things the right way up.

Bible verses:

James 1:2 - Count it all joy when you face trials of various kinds
Matthew 13:55 - James the half-brother of Jesus
John 7:2-5 - Jesus’ brothers didn’t believe in Him
Mark 3:21 - Jesus’ family though he was out of his mind
1 Corinthians 15:7 - Jesus appeared to James first
Acts 15:13-21 James was head of Jerusalem church
Matthew 13:53-58 - Jesus rejected in his home town
Luke 24:1-53 - Resurrection of Jesus
John 16:33 - You will have tribulation
James 1:2-4 - Suffering produces steadfastness and faith
Romans - 12:2 - Do not be conformed to this world
1 John 2:15-17 - Do not love the world
Luke 7:23 - Blessed is the one who is not offended by me
Mark 15:1-15 - Jewish leadership wanted Jesus crucified
John 18:37-38 - What is truth?
Genesis 3:1-5 - Serpent of subjectivity in Eden
John 15:18-25 - The world will hate you as they hated me first
Philippians 2:13 - God in us to will and to work
Philippians 4:13 - Christ strengthens us to do all things
Psalm 28:8 - God is the strength of his people
Psalm 89:24 - God is steadfast love and faithfulness
Psalm 57:1 - Hide me under the shadow of your wings
James 3:1-12 - Bridle you tongue
James 3:4-5 - Tongue like rudder of ship
James 3:5-6 - Tongue can set the world ablaze
Job 1:6-22 - Satan is the Accuser
Revelation 12:10 - Satan accuses us day and night
James 3:13-18 - Disorder versus Peace
Psalms 93, 97, 146 - God is in charge
Philippians 4:6-7 - Don’t be anxious; pray
1 Timothy 2:1-2 - Pray for our leaders
Luke 8:17 - Everything hidden brought to light
James 5:16 - The prayer of a righteous person availeth much
Psalm 53:3 - They are all corrupt, there is none who do good
Isaiah 10:1-2 - Writers of oppression
Isaiah 5:20-23 - Woe to those who call good, evil; and evil, good
Psalm 145:18-20 - God is near to all who call
John 14:16-17 - Jesus will send is the Helper, Spirit of Truth
John 16:13 - Spirit of Truth guides us into all truth
Hebrews 12:1-15 - Run your race with endurance
Psalms 94, 73, 58, 50, 49, 46, 37 - Spiritual Warfare
2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people will humble themselves and pray
Psalm 30:5 - Weeping may tarry for the night
John 8:12 - I Am the light of the world
Ephesians 6:18 - Pray for all God’s people
Hebrews 10:39 - We are not those shrink back in fear
2 Timothy 1:7 - God did not give us a spirit of fear

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