屬靈生命的陋習 粤2024 9 8Video

Описание к видео 屬靈生命的陋習 粤2024 9 8Video

Matthew馬太福音7:24-27-- 我們信徒是否聰明 (願聽從主去行道, 不怕犠牲和付代價) 或是愚蠢? 信仰的根基是什麼? 我們是不是 1)只聽不行 2)貪求快捷 3)不堪一擊?
Are we wise (willing to follow God to sacrifice & pay a price) or foolish Christians? What foundation is our faith on? Do we 1) just listen to God's words but no action 2) just want speed, but not efficiency 3) dare not to face challenge / failure?


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