Library of Ruina How To Beat The Red Mist Consistently (Build in Description)

Описание к видео Library of Ruina How To Beat The Red Mist Consistently (Build in Description)

This was done to prove that you can defeat the Redmist on a fresh playthrough. This also works without needing the purple tear key page, already completing the reception, needing 12 attribution slots and making it easy as possible (Youtuber Itzay for struggling and calling Chadland a Clown). You can obtain all this before going into a second tier reception in star of the city. In the Fight, you will always obtain Lies and Curiosity as long as Roland doesn't win the first clash and the Patron Librarian dies without winning a clash. After that it's a 90% chance of winning with correct placement. The only times its a reset is if she spams Vertical Split into Onrush on the same speed die multiple times early on or not getting enough Strength at Horizontal Slash. I did do this 10 times and I only got bad luck 1 time so itsn't foolproof but its the 2nd most consistant way of winning (with yesod's speedrun floor being 1st)

Dong-Hwan The Grade 1 Fixer
(can be obtain with 1 star of the city General Reception)
2 Steel Knuckles (Borris)
1 Scratch That (Gyeong Mi)
3 Observe (Alloc)
1 Collision (can cut for a Sharp Nails) (Wedge Office)
1 Repressed Flesh (Puppets)
1 Sharp Nails (Emma)

Yuna's Page Lone Fixer (Dawn office)
Lyla's Page Health Hauler (Sweepers)
Mei's Page Remain Vigilant In Peace (Tier 1, 2nd Liu Reception)
Cecil's Page Firm As A Great Mountain (Tier 1, 2nd Liu Reception)

Assistant Librarian Page
3 High Speed Stabbings
3 Skitter Away
3 Opportunity Spotted (Alloc)

Yuujin's Page
Speed 2
Kizuma/Extreme Fatigue


Kether battle
   • Kether battle  

Red Mist
   • Red Mist  

0:00 First Fight done Sloppy
6:27 Trickier Fight
12:11 A Perfect Fight


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