Scientists Built a Computer With 800,000 Human Neurons [Dishbrain]

Описание к видео Scientists Built a Computer With 800,000 Human Neurons [Dishbrain]

Dishbrain is a closed-loop system that connects a network of lab-grown human neurons to a computer, keeping them in a simulated game world. Researchers from Cortical Labs, UCL and several other institutions found a way to teach the neurons how to play the video game Pong. And they achieved this with an ease and speed far beyond all expectations.

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I want to thank Anjali Bhat, Karl Friston and Adeel Razi for taking the time to talk to me, Brett Kagan, Peter Klipfel and Cortical labs for providing me with the relevant video footage and Enrico Sangoi for standing on the other side of my camera in Hyde Park. My stock videos come from Pixabay and have been employed in compliance with their copyright policies.

The thumbnail was designed, produced and realised by David Lamanta (Dancerous Industries), without employing any generative AI technology:


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