A Modern Recreation of a Roman Ballista firing SCA Combat Cannonballs

Описание к видео A Modern Recreation of a Roman Ballista firing SCA Combat Cannonballs

My Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) Combat Siege Engine, Biggus Stickus, firing SCA-legal large siege ammo / Cannonballs as a warm-up for Pumpkin Chunkin at Ghosts Ghouls and Gobblins 2024.

I designed and built this engine based off the works of Vitruvius as a functional Roman Palintone Ballista with modifications for safety in live SCA combat and to launch either the cannonballs or multiple siege bolts. And changes for ease of use and durability. So expect to see differences.

Under this current rope skein tension the balls will travel approximately 60 yards. I will tighten them down during the off season now that they have had a chance to break-in and equalize. By rule, combat ordinance cannot fly further than 80 yards with the gun at a 45 degree angle.

For the full introduction:    • They call me "Biggus Stickus", a mode...  
To watch her shooting pumpkins:    • Pumpkin Chunkin Medieval Style using ...  

For more information:
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) www.sca.org
  / 433770246663965   (SCA Combat Siege)
  / 5551134271600733   (East Kingdom Combat and Target Siege)


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