How To Read ECG Properly - Basics and Advance Tricks to Master EKG ECG

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Basics of ECG Interpretation
Understand the ECG Components:

P Wave: Atrial depolarization.
QRS Complex: Ventricular depolarization.
T Wave: Ventricular repolarization.
U Wave: Sometimes seen after the T wave, representing late repolarization of the ventricles.
PR Interval: Time from the onset of atrial depolarization to the onset of ventricular depolarization (normally 120-200 ms).
QT Interval: Time from the onset of ventricular depolarization to the end of ventricular repolarization (varies with heart rate).
ST Segment: Normally flat; represents the period when the ventricles are depolarized.
Step-by-Step Approach:

Rate: Determine the heart rate (normal 60-100 bpm).
Count the number of large squares between two R waves and divide 300 by this number.
Rhythm: Check for regularity.
Assess if the rhythm is regular or irregular.
P Waves: Are P waves present? Are they consistent in shape? Is there one P wave before each QRS?
PR Interval: Measure the PR interval (should be 120-200 ms).
QRS Complex: Measure the width of the QRS complex (should be less than 120 ms).
ST Segment and T Wave: Look for ST elevation or depression and T wave inversions.
QT Interval: Measure and adjust for heart rate (use QTc formula if needed).
Lead Placement and Overview:

Standard 12-lead ECG: Each lead offers a different view of the heart.
Limb Leads: I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF.
Chest Leads: V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6.

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